Welcome to Abakus!
We offer a Mental Arithmetic programme for schools and educational centers as an extracurricular activity and as a part of the school curriculum. Our students learn Mental Arithmetic in online and offline modes around the world. Mental Arithmetic offers a proven means to developing a child's academic abilities and creative thinking skills in a balanced way.
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What is Mental Arithmetic?
The programme begins by teaching each child to use an abacus, an ancient tool that allows tactile interaction with mathematics. This helps to develop fine motor skills by using an abacus, to explore mathematics in practice and make it meaningful. Once the abacus has been mastered, each child learns to do calculations in their head by forming a mental image of a number on the abacus. The result is each child is able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide even very large numbers mentally. Peer-reviewed studies with control groups have shown that the Abakus program leads to improved academic results and increased performance in foreign languages.
How do children benefit from
Mental Arithmetic?
Abakus Mental Arithmetic Programme, involving mental calculations, stimulates both the right and the left hemispheres of the brain, as shown in this study; and helps children strengthen their visualisation skills.
Online Platform
Have access to a versatile online platform where you can learn via solving problems in games. All of this in a few clicks. All the apps are designed to engage students to practice mental math more at home. Teachers can see the results of students and determine what to focus on in the class.

Abakus International Competitions
Abakus Center provides Annual International Competitions for all Mental Arithmetic learners. We want to give students the opportunity to develop their passion for Math and to promote the attributes of an Abakus learner through collaboration and communication, promoting innovation and creativity.
Seoul, South Korea
Warsaw, Poland
Cologne, Germany
London, UK
Johannesburg, South Africa
Moscow, Russia
Online (COVID-19)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Bangkok, Thailand
Online (COVID-19)